Friday, May 1, 2009


Have you heard of the newest cutting sensation for quilters? It's called the Accuquilt Go Cutter. It's a remake of the scrapbooking machines only it's made to cut fabric. They had a commercial version for years but it had a hefty price tag and required heavy, expensive dies. This is designed for home quilters.

I haven't seen it in action but mine was ordered today and I'm excited. It comes with the die to cut 2.5 and 4.5 " squares and I added a cutting mat and die for the 2.5" strips as well. Wow pretty soon I'll be known as the jelly roll queen. Maybe I can make quilt kits and sell them to all my friends.
Here's a picture of the accuquilt go cutter from the web. I can't wait. As time goes along I'll see about adding more dies to my colloection. This may help me venture out to more experienced quilts I've been avoiding because of the cutting involved.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I'm so jealous! I want one of these so bad!
