Monday, May 21, 2012


Well, this weekend I was able to finish not only Ms. Sue's quilt but I actually got 3 tops pieced for the ALS fundraiser. It really made me realize how much fabric I have. I pieced 3 tops and pulled the fabric for a fourth and you can't even tell any is missing from the cabinet. I also realized I'll need a ton of batting which has gotten really expensive this year, so I pulled out my batting scraps and my batting seam tape which will give me a chance to use that up as well. I'm really excited about the project. I can't wait to see how many I can get done in time to ship out by the 7/31 deadline. Guess I better plan on mailing around 7/15. This week I think I'll focus on piecing squares for the backing. I even realized I can cut the pieces for tops on my lunch break. I bring lunch so after 15 minutes eating I usually just sit in the conference room and read a book for 45 minutes. Figured posting gave me some accountability and kept up the motivation.

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