Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Here are a couple more pictures. I think I'll be moving the big table out and just sew on the white one and cut on my big cutting table. Maybe even move the computer cabinet in there instead of bedroom. Who knows what the new year will bring.


I decided Saturday it was time to shut down the spare room and clean things up. I was able to pull out all the fabrics, refold and at least organize to a small extent. I cleaned all the tables, shelves, sorted quilts I've already cut and basically think I've got it organized. Over Christmas I'll steam clean the rug and scrub the floors so it will be ready to rool for the new year.
Here's a picture of the closet.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Tile

Here's a picture of the Christmas Magic Tile I made for the ladies dessert. I usually use one for a tablecloth during the holidays so I thought I'd use this new one this year.

Chris thank you for the lovely comment. Merry Christmas ladies.

I have some exciting things coming in the new year. Check back or on our group blog faithquilters.blogspot.com

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Magic Tile

I almost forgot to post this. Here is the magic tile I made to put on the bench for our ladies dessert. It was an area we set up so the ladies could take pictures with all their family and friends. I couldn't quite figure out the best way to display it. You can't see the whole quilt here but I'll post another picture of it later. I have it on my dining table. I always use one for a tablecloth at Christmas time since I don't decorate the house our put up a tree. Just seems Christmas is more about decorations and trees.

Finished Second One

Here is the second one I finished this week. These were sauposed to go out Fed Ex Monday but I just couldn't get them done in time. It goes to the mom of the young man that got the japanese magic tile in the previous picture. I'm not completely thrilled how this Yellow Brick Road turned out but it could just be the color. I'm not fond of blue. But it is a pretty quilt for someone that likes bright, bold colors. I'm sure she'll enjoy it. I made for her son to give mom as a gift. Both went out Fed Ex today

Couple more finally done

Here is one of the 2 quilts I just finished last night. This is going to a friend of my daughter's in Connetticut. He loves Japanese rock music and dark colors so this should suit him well. I love the way it turned out. Glad I got it out in time for Christmas

Monday, December 14, 2009


Our ladies dessert is over and it was a huge success. We had 11 tables all beautiful and 83 women attending. The ladies did a fabulous job on their tables and we raised $1235 in grocery gift cards and $125 in cash donations and $175 in raffle ticket sales. Benevolence was the focus for sure. Here is a picture of my main table. I'll post some of the ladies as well. The middle teay is empty because I made finger sandwiches and couldn't put out in advance. they gobbled those up asap. Great event

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I am participating in a round robin with a group of Austrailian ladies and loved the results. I am thinking I'd like to start one myself but I'd need 5 or 6 more ladies to participate. If you know of anyone shoot me a email. queenv@tampabay.rr.com

Dessert Door Prizes

I wanted to have a couple of door prizes for our ladies fundraiser and got the idea that I tought was pretty neat - how about if all the door prizes were hand made by women. So I made 2 quilted table runners and Kathy made one. I added in some handmade hot pads and my friend Nancy made us some jewelry. She does a beautiful job. I'll post pictures of her jewelry tomorrow.

Here are the hot pads. The runner came out blurry so I'll post it later as well. With the hot pads I made one set Christmas and one set every day.

Dessert Table

Here's a mock up of my table for the ladies dessert. I think it will turn out wonderful.

New Photos

I actually got a few things done that I can put here in pictures. As you know I kinda put everything on hold to work on the fundraiser at our church. I'm coordinating a Ladies Dessert for Dcember 7, 2009.

Since I'm also hosting a table, I wanted to make my tablecloth the focal point. Jean was kind enough to loan me her china so here's the quilt I made to cover the table. It's called Night and day.